Sunday 12 April 2015

Artsy Maze Post 4/5

Oh summer! Oh winter! Life! Death! Death again! Then life! That's the cycle, don't wear it in with the old, out with the new! Let me say that again for dexterity: IN WITH THE OLD, OUT WITH THE NEW! It's symbolic. I learned about symbolism in class today.

Hi guys, this is Billy Everyblogger, Blogger Extrordinare. Today I am going to talk to you about the unknown. So the Slenderman is the Slenderman of the Unknown, right? But isn't that a little funny? 'Cause like Slenderman was made by Victor Surge, we know all about Slenderman, we've written him to like death and stuff. If Slenderman was a country, he would have no uncharted territory. And yet we label him Slenderman of the Unknown. How can he be the unknown when we know all about him? This is one of the questions that Magreat tells me he will answer in the tomb of the unknown soldier.

I'm deep.