Wednesday 11 March 2015

Artsy Maze Post 3/5

Oh summer! Oh winter! Life! Death! Death again! Then life! That's the cycle, don't wear it in. All depends on the terminverbinverminology. This room, hahaaaaa! Look around you, all the pretty colours! There's grey, black, red, more grey, more black, more red, and a splash of whitewash here and some's there. Plasticine plastered over annals and blood canals. The Odyssey, forgotten and oh my how immortal. But at least Trilby's getting a direct-to-DVD!

When even Borges's sunken gorges he calls his eyes are dramatized and we're soon acclimatized to Cheeseborges-and-fries, that's when you know and then you throw the empyre.

lol look at me guys I'm writing for Archangard and Magreat! Hey I'm Billy Everyblogger. This is so cool lololol. They told me to write something about "introducing the birth of meaning?" Who the hell talks like that, am I right? So hey guys. Hi, how are you guys doing? Hey! I'm Billy! I wrote a blog once, did you know? It was called Fearblog of Fear, Dreams and Sleep and Fear. It was the bomb, Magreat really liked it so he wrote some fanfic once called Blog Without a Fist or whatever, I read it and it was pretty cool. I'm popular now! I'm glad SOMEbody liked my blog, lol, I kinda caused a loud reaction, I mean what is this, an atomic explosion? lol. I guess you could say I *sunglasses* shot the Fear Mythos dead. All part of my plan. I'm a criminal genious, you see. That's what I do now I dropped out of college or whatever it was in order to farther my career as a criminal. And my first target, I guess you could say, was the Fear Mythos itself. The people just can't handle my deep blog about the Slendermen. So anyway hi again, do you readers wanna hang out? I'll be chilling elsewhere in this pyramid if you wanna hang. Church! Right on! Bitch! Let's get outta this joint, the Fear Mythos is too unforgiving to be able to handle our deepness, am I right or am I right? Plus it's dead anyway since I killed it and all. With my gun. That feels important somehow but I dunno. Oh I gotta go, that Shem guy's here and he's with The Feared One.

"billyyouhavetogonowShemishereandheiswithme" said the Feared One in a gutterally low voice.

Alright, alright already! I'm going! lol So anyway see you guys later.

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